We’ve made it really easy for you to refinance your home loan over with assistance Home Loans Melbourne. Once you have your documents, start preparing for the five simple steps below.

Step One – Contact us to discuss your refinance application

Refinancing with Home Loans Melbourne is simple with a Personal Banking Manager to guide you through the process.

Step Two – Apply to Refinance Your Loan

Having discussed your needs with your account manager, submit your application to us either online or direct to a branch. Don’t forget to include any supporting documentation that is required. You also need to ensure that your existing financial institution is made aware of the refinancing, so that they can provide Home Loans Melbourn with necessary information to effect a quick settlement.

Step Three – Approval & Documentation

After you’ve submitted your application, provided it is approved we will notify you and proceed to issue a Letter of Offer. This needs to be signed and returned to us as quickly as possible to allow us to arrange the next step.

Step Four – Arranging settlement

Once we’ve ensured that all supporting documentation has been received together with your signed contract, our settlement agents will organise settlement with your solicitors or conveyancers. You will receive confirmed settlement details in writing. This may take several days.

Step Five – Draw down your loan

Once these steps are complete, it’s time congratulate yourself.

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